Date: June 30 - July 04, 2025 Venue: University of Rennes, France
We invite you to a whole week of in-person workshop, Introduction to advanced techniques, where you have the unique opportunity to learn the usage, power, and limitations of VASP accompanied by in-person tutoring of the authors and developers of the code. The activities, incl. lectures, hands-on sessions, a poster session, and a Gala dinner, are aimed at graduate students and researchers from industry and academia. The only pre-requisite is a basic knowledge of solid-state physics and chemistry. The main focus is mastering phonon calculations, considering electron-phonon coupling, and treating magnetic systems, but we will touch on other topics to provide a brought perspective.
The following topics will be covered:
- Introduction to the projector-augmented wave (PAW) method;
- Basics of structure optimization and machine learning force fields (MLFF);
- Data analysis and visualization using py4vasp;
- Electron-phonon coupling (new!) and phonons without external packages;
- Magnetism (spin-polarized, SOC, noncollinearity, MAE, spin torque);
- Exchange-correlation functionals revisited.