Dear VASP Forum,
I am performing ML-FF for graphite. The unit cell lattice constants were optimized using the
Van der Waals functional (optimized lattice constants are a = 2.46 Å, c = 6.66 Å) and then used
to construct a 4×4×2 supercell (128 atoms) for MD training. I am attaching the
Bayesian error, RMSE and Volume figures as a function of MD steps. The average
lattice constants are also attached.
Here are my observations and questions: I appreciate your insights and feedback:
1- There are spikes in the Bayesian error (See Bayesian error fig). How can these spikes be minimized?
2- The RMSE starts low but then exhibits step-like jumps around 10,000 and 20,000 MD steps (see the RMSE fig).
What could be causing this?
3- The volume fluctuates throughout the 30,000 MD steps (see the Volume fig). How can this fluctuation
be minimized?
4- The average c-lattice constant (for T= 300K) shows expansion, with a final value of c = 7.3555 Å
compared to the initial c = 6.66 Å.
SYSTEM = Gra_128
ISYM = 0 ! no symmetry imposed
! ab initio
PREC = Accurate
IVDW = 12
#VDW_S6 = 1.000
#VDW_S8 = 0.7875
#VDW_A1 = 0.4289
#VDW_A2 = 4.4407
ISMEAR = -1 ! Fermi smearing
SIGMA = 0.0258 ! smearing in eV
ENCUT = 600
EDIFF = 1e-6
! MD
IBRION = 0 ! MD (treat ionic degrees of freedom)
NSW = 30000 ! no of ionic steps
POTIM = 1.5 !MD time step in fs
MDALGO = 3 ! Langevin thermostat
LANGEVIN_GAMMA = 1 ! friction,
LANGEVIN_GAMMA_L = 10 ! lattice friction,
PMASS = 20 !lattice mass, do we need to change
TEBEG = 300 ! temperature
ISIF = 3 ! update positions, cell shape and volume
! machine learning
ML_MODE = train ! ML_START=0
KPAR = 2
RANDOM_SEED = 688344966 0 0
Thank you in advance,
Bets Regards,