Band Gap for ICHARG = 2

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Band Gap for ICHARG = 2

#1 Post by ahsan_javed » Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:02 pm

While doing band structure calculations with SCAN FUNCTIONAL AND ICHARG = 11, the error pops up

“ICHARG>9 is currently not supported for meta-GGA functionals. In case you want to calculate band structure with a meta-GGA, use the same method as proposed for hybrid functionals”

i tried to do it in hybrid calculations method but error persisted. So I did it for ICHARG=2 and it works. Band gap is in comparison with literature.

Question is: SCF based band structure calculation is not an issue?

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Re: Band Gap for ICHARG = 2

#2 Post by fabien_tran1 » Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:44 pm


To do a band structure calculation with a meta-GGA functional you need to follow the steps 1 to 5 explained here: ... unctionals
Note that:
-What is mentioned about HFALPHA and HFRCUT concerns only hybrid functionals, thus ignore it.
-For step 2, you can choose either option 1 or 2, both should provide the same results (as an exercise you can try both).
-Do not set any value for ICHARG in INCAR. With the procedure mentioned above, the default value should be used.

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Re: Band Gap for ICHARG = 2

#3 Post by ahsan_javed » Fri Dec 01, 2023 12:50 pm

I tried but same error halts the calculations again.

and if ICHARG is not to set manually and by default it is taken to be ICHARG = 2, for example, then isn't what i am doing (stated above) is correct.?

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Re: Band Gap for ICHARG = 2

#4 Post by fabien_tran1 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:24 am

That is difficult to guess what is the problem. You need to describe in detail and exactly what procedure you followed. Also, according to the posting guidelines (, you need to provide the input files (at least INCAR).

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