import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # results stored in NOMEGA dimensional array nomega=24 u = np.zeros( nomega, dtype='complex' ) # one-site indices idx=[0,40...
13 KB (1,897 words) - 09:10, 28 March 2025
= 250.0 ALGO = GW0 ISMEAR = 0 ; SIGMA = 0.01 ENCUTGW = 150 ; NELM = 1 ; NOMEGA = 50 ; OMEGATL = 280 KPAR = 2 #NBANDSO=4 ; NBANDSV=8 ; LADDER=.TRUE. ; LUSEW=...
6 KB (791 words) - 13:20, 14 November 2019
reasonable number of virtual states (see above) ALGO = GW0 ; LSPECTRAL = .TRUE. ; NOMEGA = 50 # be sure to take the same number of bands as for # the LOPTICS=.TRUE...
7 KB (1,091 words) - 11:10, 11 June 2024
reasonable number of virtual states (see above) ALGO = GW0 ; LSPECTRAL = .TRUE. ; NOMEGA = 50 #LRPA = .FALSE. ## be sure to take the same number of bands as for...
7 KB (1,000 words) - 12:41, 3 June 2024
100 # small energy cutoff for response function suffices for this tutorial NOMEGA = 200 # large number of real frequency points for Hilbert transforms of...
14 KB (1,763 words) - 10:44, 12 June 2024
100 # small energy cutoff for response function suffices for this tutorial NOMEGA = 200 # large number of real frequency points for Hilbert transforms of...
13 KB (1,631 words) - 15:08, 8 April 2022