Forum Posting Guidelines

Problems running VASP: crashes, internal errors, "wrong" results.

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Posts: 2922
Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:18 am
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Forum Posting Guidelines

#1 Post by admin » Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:44 pm

What are the Rules and Expectations for this forum?
The VASP team will be taking an active role in moderating the content of this forum. To help you and other users with your post we require some pertinent information about your problem in form of a zip file. Any threads not following the rules of the forum will be deleted, closed, or moved to an appropriate forum.

N.B.: new threads will only appear in the forum after they have been approved by a forum moderator. Please be patient, this may take some time (up to a day).

A thread belongs to this forum if:
  • you experience a runtime error (i.e., the code crashes) or hangup.
  • VASP exits with an "internal error" message.
  • you have a strong suspicion that the output of VASP for a certain calculation is "wrong".
Please read the following guidelines before opening a new thread.

Posting Rules:
  • Note that this forum is only used for bugreports. Before reporting any problems please ensure that you have
    • browsed or searched previously posted problems. Some questions may have been answered already.
    • searched our growing wiki that contains the documentation of VASP.
    • checked the POSCAR file (duplication of ions?, meaningful structure in general?). This is the most common source of reported problems. More information about the POSCAR is found here.
    • checked the INCAR and KPOINTS file for typos. Are the settings plausible? Read more about all INCAR tags on our wiki.
    • checked the POTCAR file for consistency with the POSCAR, (mixing PBE and LDA potentials?, potential of a species is missing?)
  • Provide a report in form of a zip-file in the attachment of your post that contains:
    • all input files of the job, that is POSCAR, INCAR, KPOINTS, POTCAR
    • OUTCAR and stdout of the run
    • your jobscript, if you use one
Please note that zip files smaller than 8 MB are accepted only.
